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MRU Foundation

The Power of Collective Giving

A Mount Royal University (MRU) education is a powerful catalyst for change, enabling students of all backgrounds to reach their full potential and shape a brighter future. However, for many, their educational journey can be hindered by financial barriers. Donors can help bridge that gap between financial need and student’s potential.

The rise of crowdsourced funding is becoming more and more prevalent with the familiarity of websites like Go Fund Me, and events such as Giving Tuesday. Crowdsourced funding (collective giving) brings together many supporters who all contribute to a common goal. Donors give what they can, whether it be one dollar or thousands─this is what Mount Royal University’s Giving Day is all about. The common goal is to foster change, impact lives and help MRU students be successful in their chosen field. 

On November 28, MRU’s third annual Giving Day will launch. Traditionally taking place on Giving Tuesday, a “global movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.” Giving Tuesday started as a response to the consumerism of Black Friday, and has now spread to 80 countries across the world. In 2022 Canadian charities raise over $43.6 million on that particular day. 

MRU’s Giving Day engages students, staff, faculty, alumni and community members to contribute financially, donate their time, and help spread the word about the impact individuals and organizations can have in the lives of students. In the past two Giving Day campaigns, over $718,000 has been raised in support of over 80 areas on campus including scholarships, awards, bursaries, mental health programs, food security initiatives. In 2023, the Giving Day goal is to raise more funds, awareness and engagement from our growing MRU Community of champions and donors, all in support of student success. 

“Giving Day is a dedicated day where the MRU community unites to remind students that there is a cheering squad of people here to support them through their university journey,” says Tim Rahilly, President and Vice Chancellor of MRU. “We are so grateful for each and every gift and for everyone who shares stories about Giving Day. As someone who has benefitted from donor funded scholarships and bursaries, I know the difference a donor can make.”

A single raindrop doesn’t create a downpour, it’s the power of those collective droplets that can make impact and turn a desert into an oasis. Donors who contribute to crowdfunding campaigns are like those individual raindrops, when they come together they can make a huge difference in the lives of others that can last a lifetime.

Join us on November 28 and make this the best Giving Day yet!