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MRU Foundation

Planned Giving: Estate Professionals

Gift of Real Estate or Property

Real property: Real property, including residential and commercial real estate, developed and undeveloped land and farmland, can be donated to Mount Royal. Real property gifts can be used to either enhance current programs or they may be converted to cash with proceeds directed towards your specified University activities. They can be made either through the donor’s estate or during their lifetime.**

Personal property: A gift of personal property, such as artwork, furniture, equipment and collections, can be utilized by Mount Royal in two ways: proceeds would be available for use by Mount Royal upon the sale of the property or Mount Royal would retain and use the property. These gifts are deemed to be a “gift-in-kind” and the gift receipt will be for fair market value as determined through an appraisal.**


**Please note: information provided is of a general nature and is not intended to constitute advice to any particular person. Please consult your financial and/or legal advisor(s) before arranging and finalizing a planned gift. Mount Royal will keep all requests for information confidential. A request for information does not obligate the requestor to make a gift to Mount Royal.

Where can I get more information?

If you would like more information about including Mount Royal University in your will and estate planning please contact:

Alison Wagg-Morrell
Senior Development Officer – Gift and Estate Planning